by Shelley Maniscalco | Apr 1, 2020 | Diets, Fitness, General Nutrition, Tips and Tricks, Uncategorized
If you’re like the 80% of us (and growing) who are home-bound with a movable finish line—you know that there are no truer words right now than this: THERE IS NO BUSINESS AS USUAL! What does that mean? Well, something different for everyone, but suffice it...
by Shelley Maniscalco | Feb 12, 2020 | Blog, Cancer Nutrition, Dietary Guidelines, Diets, Fitness, Fruits and Vegetables, General Nutrition, Uncategorized
In February we observe both Cancer Prevention Month and American Heart Month! Why take an entire month to shine a light so brightly on these two chronic diseases? I’ll give my 3 top reasons: Mortality (read: death) rates associated with each. ...
by Shelley Maniscalco | May 3, 2019 | Blog, Fitness
I have consistently been doing the OTF workout since January 2019 (and by consistently, I mean 8 times per month—because that’s what I pay for). Unlike other “gym” workouts I have tried in the past, I have found that I don’t dread going or feel like I have to drag my...
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