Get to Know Michelle Fricke Kijek, Nutrition In Demand’s New Partner
Having once dreamed of being a TV news anchor, Michelle Fricke Kijek discovered early on that her talent and skills were best suited behind the scenes. She has spent nearly 30 years in food & nutrition communications, creating messaging and award-winning campaigns...
Nutrition In Demand and Produce for Better Health Foundation Release Fruit & Vegetable Gap Analysis: Public Feedback Requested
ICYMI last week, Nutrition On Demand, with the Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBH), released the draft report entitled, Fruit & Vegetable Gap Analysis: Bridging the Disparity Between Federal Spending & America’s Consumption Crisis. I’m telling you this,...
Get to Know Courtney Puidk, a consultant with Nutrition In Demand
Courtney Puidk has found successful ways to prioritize both nutrition and physical fitness. This CrossFit/Pilates/cyclist/weightlift enthusiast knows a healthy body can’t live on exercise alone; what fuels the body is equally important. Her drive and effervescent...
From Food Wheels to MyPlate: A Brief History of U.S. Food Guides
For decades, food guides have helped promote healthy eating patterns for Americans. Celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, MyPlate, with its easy-to-follow graphic and generalized recommended portions of each food group within it, is the latest iteration. There...
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