We’re driven by building, translating and communicating science-based nutrition solutions that inspire people to enjoy healthier lifestyles. As a smaller team, we can be flexible to meet clients’ evolving needs in the ever-changing nutrition policy landscape.

We’ve each devoted our careers to nutrition science and communications for food commodities, academic institutions, government agencies, non-profit philanthropies, NGOs, trade associations and CPGs. Food & nutrition communications isn’t a job or career for us, it’s our passion.

As seasoned scientists, registered dietitians, thought leaders and nutrition communicators, we’re committed to creating big strategic ideas – and then flawlessly managing every detail to bring that vision to life. We are multidisciplinary science writers and communicators committed to implementing programs that exceed goals.

Our Specialties
Our multidisciplinary team of nutrition science and communications experts provides a range of strategic consulting expertise. Learn more about how we can help you lead with science to help improve public health and nutrition security.
Check Out Our Blog
Here’s What’s New in the Latest Edition of the Dietary Guidelines
It’s been four decades since the release of the first Dietary Guidelines for Americans, a science-based how-to for developing a nutritionally adequate diet at all ages. Released every five years, each subsequent edition builds on the previous by incorporating new...
Get to Know Shelley Maniscalco, NOD’s Founder
Interview by Fred Durso, Jr., Nutrition On Demand intern You could consider Shelley Maniscalco’s nutrition career a three-legged stool. One leg represents science, based on her time at the National Academy of Sciences supporting committees on nutrition-related...
2020-2025 DGA: An Informed Look at DGAC Report Translation to Policy (Part II)
How will USDA/HHS decide what will translate into the policy document? Some think of the translation from the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC)’s scientific report to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) policy document as a black box and, honestly,...
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Strategic nutrition support, based in the Washington, DC metro area.
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