Our Clients
We’re proud to partner with NGOs, non-profit philanthropies, food and nutrition commodities, academic centers, trade associations, government agencies, and CPGs who are leaders in creating evidence-based solutions to help all people enjoy healthier lifestyles. We’re passionate about leading with science to effectively educate, engage and inspire stakeholders, health professionals, thought leaders, and consumers about food and nutrition. See a sampling of our current and past clients below.
Shelley Maniscalco and her team of professionals have supported the Food Marketing Institute’s (FMI) health and wellness program of work for more than three years. The scope of projects range from research designing and writing best practice guides for implementing a family meals program in food retail, to re-evaluating and redesigning our family meals consumer website, to designing strategies and a stakeholder engagement plan to elevate the importance of family meals in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. All projects taken on by Nutrition In Demand are executed with the highest standards of quality and are delivered on time and on budget.
Shelley and her team are not about you or me, they are about ‘us’. This trustworthy team offers strong nutrition science and communication expertise, a broad network, and connectedness to trends and issues. The name, Nutrition In Demand, signifies the team’s spirit of nimbleness and flexibility that is highly desirable in today’s fast-moving environment.

We brought in the Nutrition In Demand team to help us with a rebranding project for one of our programs. Shelley and her team planned and implemented a
comprehensive process that included targeted data gathering, key informant interviews, and information analysis to inform our rebrand goals and marketing needs. The amount and quality of the data exceeded our expectations, giving us valuable information useful beyond the rebrand. Their creative approach and suggestions helped our team come to a clear consensus for a powerful rebrand outcome. The NID team came to the table with enthusiasm, high energy and professionalism. We could not be more pleased with their approach, their work style and the project outcome. We would definitely use their services again!
Learn more about how our team can help you!

Strategic nutrition support, based in the Washington, DC metro area.